ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to find out the rooms hearts argon utter in Ilokano. It takes into account the well-formed categories sensation roots ar derived and the causes of clauses they be incorporated into. by these methods, the author schools to set apart a general description of the head game of sense in Ilokano. 1.0 IntroductionUnderstanding valet de chambre race caput has been piece of music?s top anteriority crimson before the surrender of psychology. In an attempt to project disposition of e rattlingthing inside and most him, valet de chambre apply opposite tools and approaches. Langu season, macrocosm an overt and brotherly part of man, was non overlooked. It became a regnant tool in man?s interest of judgement himself and the military personnel. nary(prenominal)m Chomsky (1968, p.84) even verbalise, ?...the playing field of row whitethorn very substanti all toldy? provide a remarkably favor up to(p) perspective for the study of kind psychical processes.? Different purviews of these cordial processes had been the subject of question for a number of social scientists, from other(prenominal) to present. One of these is feeling. though a universal description of emotion is still deficient up to date, the hobby are the definitions compiled by the author. sense is??a tactile sensation land involving themes, physiological changes, and an outward containion or air.?(psychological science ci: sensation, 2004)?a powerful feeling; a intricate state of body and mind involving, in its bodily view, changes in the viscera (main internal organs) and in facial nerve sayion and posture, and in its noetic aspect, heightened perception, excitement and, virtuallytimes, disturbance of thought and judgment. The urge to activeness is matte and impulsive behavior may result.?(sensation (psychology), 2008)From these definitions, the hobby generalizations ordure be made. (1)It is observable. As Heider (1991) states, ?Emotion has both a mental, or cognitive, aspect and a sensory, physiological aspect?. This is with the modalitys man expresses emotions, both the linguistic and non-linguistic means. It can be a facial expression, gesture, voice instal and volume, the flow and construction of words, the lexicon chosen, the counsel the sentences is constructed, etc. (2)It is a social phenomenon. As Harre, R. & Parrott, W.G. (1996, p.167) state, ??the stimuli for emotional reactions come from discipline large number and emotion occurs in the company of others.? It normally springs from an causa (e.g. an argument) in the living of someone. And in man?s passing(a) interactions, perceiving and judgement these emotions correctly is a crucial and important whoremaster because ?? the ability to recognize emotions in oneself and those of others leads to a greater situation in time of arrogant mental health and eudaimonia? (Altarriba et. al. 2003). Hence, to be able to grasp this ?degree of positive mental health and well-being?, man resorts to properly perceiving the observable aspects of emotion. Emotion clack is one. As Bamberg (unknown) asserts, ? style is a means of qualification sense of emotions, and as such can be utilise as a start point to explore the world of emotions?? Many aspects of emotion communication had been ta pile into consideration by researchers and students of the social sciences. A drove of them had been concentrated on the alteration of the lexicon for emotions of each(prenominal) culture, with the intention of canvass one from the other ( alike Russell 1983, Heider, and Altarriba et. al.) Others utilise lexicon to test if the archetype of a certain(prenominal) emotion is the homogeneous across cultures. Others examine ?the grammar of emotions?. As Malicsi (1981, p.12) states, ?What makes grammar an important source of differentiate for linguistic relativity opening and determinism is its obligatory nature ? it?s categories have to be produced, its rules followed, and the personal is therefore automatically channeled into certain patterns of expression.? In studying this, population are more pertain on how people express their emotions in discourse. What type of constructions do they use? What conjectures can we tutelage up through these constructions? These are the objectives of this study. It is bent on reply the following questions. (1)How are emotions expressed in Ilokano?(2)What type of grammatical categories are these emotions usually derived?(3)What type of construction is employ (i.e. transitive, intransitive, causative, etc.) in expressing these emotions?In this fashion, the author hopes to find a part of the Ilokano psyche that may hope ampley give a better understanding of the behavior and culture of the Ilokano people. As a language, Ilokano is rather popular. belong to the Cordilleran assembly of the Northern Filipino subgroup of the Filipino group of the western sandwich Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Malayo-Polynesian subfamily of the Austronesian language family, it has more or less 20 million blab outers (including those who speak the language as a second, terzetto, or foreign language in and outside the Philippines), jibe to professor Prescila Espiritu (Agcaoili, 2008). It is the lingua franca of the northwest part of Luzon, namely, the provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan, and Abra. It is similarly mouth in some move of Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, Isabella, Cagayan, and Benguet. It even has ? sinewy communities? in some parts of Mindanao, Palawan, Mindoro and the United States, making it the third largest talk language in the Philippines, along with Cebuano and Tagalog (Rubino & Garry, 2001). This research, however, is partial only(prenominal) to the ?grammar of emotions?. It shall rule emotion on a clausal level. It does not aim to list all the emotion monetary value in Ilokano and desexualize each term. It plain describes the representation of emotions in a syntactical level. In this description, Ilokano is assumed as an ergative language, hence, the ergative-absolutive approach is followed. In this approach, the undergoer (or patient) of a transitive clause is treated in the like way as the case-by-case argument of an intransitive clause. The broker of a transitive clause is treated differently. It can be illustrated through the following sentences. (1)N-angted -ak iti regalo ken mike. INTR-gave -ABS OBL gift DET microphone?I gave microphone a gift.?(2)Inn-ikan ?na -k iti regalo ni Mike. TR-gave -ERG ABS OBL gift DET Mike?Mike gave me gifts.?The first construction, which is intransitive, used the first person singular absolutive pronoun ?ak as the single sum argument. The second sentence used the same pronoun as the patient. When a language treats both arguments in the same manner, it is considered ergative. Moreover, in the discourse of transitive and intransitive clauses, the transitiveness parameters proposed by Nolasco (2003) shall be followed. These parameters are enumerated in the following table. juicy TransitivityLow TransitivityA. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. No. of argumentsKinesisAspectPunctualityIntentionalityParticularityDirectionalityEffortAffectedness of PExclusivity of PDistinct A and P/OActionTelicPunctualDeliberateParticularExternalEffortfulP totally affectedExclusive PSStateAtelicNon-punctualVolitionalGeneralInternalEffortlessP not affectedNon-exclusive PNolasco (2003)In conducting the research, 15 Ilokano speakers, with age ranging from 19 to 24 were interviewed. Each was asked to list as umteen emotion terms as they can. Then each was asked to differentiate an instance when they felt one of these emotions. This way, the speakers can talk freely about their emotions.

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